The youth participate in Group Workcamps mission trips to help repair peoples’ homes. Their website is: http://www.groupworkcamps.com. We raise money, which not only pays for our camp fees and trip, but also helps pay for construction material so the people receive the repairs free of charge. We travel to a city and join about 400 other youth from across the nation in fixing up about 50-60 homes in a week. We sleep on the floors of a school, eat meals in the cafeteria, work, have a lot of fun, and participate in Christ-centered evening programs and Bible studies. We also find that no matter how much we give, we always receive more. It is a beautiful experience for all involved.
In the summer of 2010, a group of nine Japanese youth and three adults joined us at St. Luke for a two-week homestay. During that time, we all traveled to Centralia, Illinois, to take part in the workcamp together. We worked and played together, all the while learning about the world-wide church of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ no matter our country of birth.

In August of each year, we go on a canoe trip to the BWCA, experiencing the beauty of God’s creation as well as fellowship, fun and adventure. Have you ever had to tell a joke that makes the cook laugh in order to receive a pancake? Come with jokes!
The youth also participate in service projects noted above, such as Operation Christmas Child, CROP Walk, Feed My Starving Children and other events. We also enjoy one another’s company and deepen relationship through lock-ins or other fun events such as going to water parks, sporting events, etc.