Feed My Starving Children
The people of St. Luke have been active in supporting the work of Feed My Starving Children, both through volunteering at the facility in Eagan as well as through monetary donations. In 2009 our Sunday School children collected $200.00, enough to feed over 1,000 children! On Souper Bowl Sunday of 2010, our confirmation students prepared and sold soup and raised over $400.00 for FMSC, enough to feed over 2,000 children. It is truly a privilege to work in partnership with this organization for the betterment of God’s children around the world. For more information on FMSC, see their website here.
In November of each year, the confirmation students and other church members go shopping for toys for children they have never met. The gifts are put in shoeboxes and delivered to Operation Christmas Child sites sponsored by Samaritan's Purse. St Luke members donate shoeboxes of gifts and also volunteer in the Operation Christmas Child warehouse where thousands of these boxes are gathered and readied to be sent to children around the world; children who most likely have never received such a gift in their life. It is a gift of joy, a gift of the gospel to God's beloved children.
Operation Christmas Child
Micro Lending Group
In the first year and-a-half of the formation of our micro-lending group, we made micro-loans to 33 people in 17 different nations around the world, totaling $4,200.00. There have been no defaults. These loans give people a new start on life and can truly change lives. Our micro-lending group meets about four times a year, has a meal together and then makes loans to people around the world through Kiva (http://www.kiva.org/). We are world missionaries right here in St. Paul, Minnesota!