Bun Run
Every Saturday a volunteer from St. Luke drives to a local supermarket and loads up their car with day-old bakery goods that otherwise would be thrown out. Sometimes the cars are almost overflowing with baked goods. These are then delivered to a local rehab center, a senior housing apartment, and other areas of need.
A charming farmers' market with a great selection of locally grown produce, baked items and meats. We accept EBT. June through September, every Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come and peruse the wide variety of healthy, quality, and affordable locally grown food. By providing a setting for growers to showcase and sell their products, we hope to encourage and support the production of local food and goods. Our goal is to strengthen community connections between neighbors and organizations serving the Highland neighborhood by providing a warm and welcoming community gathering space. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Farmers Market
Loaves & Fishes
St. Luke cooperates with a number of churches in sponsoring Loaves and Fishes, which provides a healthy meal for anyone and everyone. Each church takes responsibility in providing one meal during the month. Together with St. Mark Lutheran Church, St. Luke purchases the ingredients and prepares a nutritious and delicious meal on the fourth Monday of the month at St. Matthew Catholic Church. For more information on Loaves and Fishes, please refer to their website: http://www.loavesandfishesmn.org/.
In the fall of the year, we join with area churches in the CROP walk, raising money for both local and international causes. What is a CROP Walk for hunger? Their website puts it this way, "Neighbors walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting." For more information about CROP Walk, their website is: http://www.churchworldservice.org
Crop Walk
All women of St. Luke Lutheran Church are invited to enjoy an evening out at a local restaurant once a month, usually the fourth Thursday at 5:30 pm. The Ladies Night Out event has two purposes: to laugh, talk and get to know one another better, and to enjoy the fine dining experience around the Twin Cities area with a group of friends. The evening is open to all women and the restaurants that we visit are chosen by mutual consensus.
Ladies Night Out
The first Sunday after Labor Day in September is our Sunday School Rally Day. We round up all the children who will be attending Sunday School to meet their teachers and classmates. There are games to be played, and the entire congregation is invited to a pot luck lunch. It is a festive day for all!
Rally Day
St. Luke opens its doors to many different groups who need a place to gather. We would also like to mention:
Meeting place of Ramsey County Garden Club.
Highland Friendship Club is about helping young adults with disabilities make friends, learn new skills and have fun.
We have been hosting Minnesota Youth Symphonies (MYS) June auditions for over 15 years.
St. Luke is also an official polling place for Ramsey County.