Join us for worship
with Holy Communion
every Sunday at 9:30am.
We also offer our Sunday services via Zoom.
If you would like information on how to participate,
please email: secretary@saintlukechurch.org
You may enter Saint Luke as a stranger, but you will leave as a friend.
Connect, grow and serve.
CONNECT with Jesus and each other
GROW in faith together
SERVE with love and compassion
Vendors Needed!
The St. Luke Farmers Market really needs vendors! Specifically, we’re looking for craft, jam, candy, salsa or other condiments, cheese, poultry, and egg vendors. If interested, please contact us at secretary@saintlukechurch.org. Thanks! June 14 to October 11, 8am to 1pm.
Every Wednesday during the season of Lent, we'll have a simple soup supper beginning at 6 pm, followed by a service of Holden Evening Prayer. If you're new to Holden Evening Prayer, it is a short, sung worship service with a meditative atmosphere designed for reflection at the end of the day. Wednesdays in Lent are 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2, and 4/9.
Each year, we invite the congregation to create "art cards," 3 by 5 inch art pieces made with any media you'd like. In next month's newsletter, we'll offer some themes to guide your art card creation. Please bring your art cards to Wednesday night worship to share with others if you'd like.
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on April 13. You are invited to join us for 6pm service on both Maundy Thursday (April 17) and Good Friday (April 18). We will celebrate the resurrection with joy on Easter Sunday, April 20.
Food Drive
March is Minnesota FoodShare Month!
Each March, Minnesota FoodShare directs the March Campaign, the largest food drive in the state, and restocks 300 food shelves across Minnesota. It recruits thousands of congregations, companies, schools and civic groups to run local food and fund drives to aid in the effort. Minnesota FoodShare actively promotes statewide food shelf donations, provides resources for food drive organizers, distributes funds to participating Minnesota food shelves, lobbies lawmakers on the behalf of those who are hungry, and educates the public about hunger in Minnesota. So, during the month of March, we will be collecting donations of food and money for those in need. The food gathered will be donated to ​ ​Neighborhood House, which is our neighborhood’s local food shelf. Checks can be made out to St. Luke with a notation of “food drive” in the memo line. Thanks for all of your help!
All are welcome at St. Luke. We are called by Jesus to love God and one another. At St. Luke, we believe that diversity enriches our community. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability, economic status, family status, or where you are on your faith journey. We invite you to join us.